National Panda Day 2021

National Panda Day is celebrated every March 16th to celebrate the beloved animal and to draw attention to its endangered status.

Some quick facts about the giant panda-

  • Giant Pandas diet consists mainly of bamboo and they can eat up to 30 lb (14 kg) a day.
  • Female adults can weigh up to 200 lb (91 kg) and males can weigh up to 300 lb (136 kg).
  • Giant pandas paws have one thumb and five fingers.
  • Most wild giant pandas live in the mountains of Central China.
  • There are less than 2000 giant pandas left in the wild.

Follow all of the National Panda Day postings on Twitter at the hashtag: NationalPandaDay

National Pig Day 2021

National Pig Day is celebrated every March 1 to honor the cute and intelligent animal! This celebration was started in 1972 by sisters Ellen Stanley and Mary Lynne Rave.

National Pig Day - March 1

Here are some quick facts about the babirusa pig-

  • The babirusa are found the Indonesian Islands of Sulawesi, Togian and Sula
  • The babirusa is often called deer-pig due to the delicate shape of their legs and their large antler-like canines
  • Babirusa eats: fruits, berries, leaves, nuts and small mammals
  • The babirusa has little or no hair
  • Pigs are considered the 4th smartest animal (behind chimps, dolphins and elephants)
  • The babirusa conservation status is Vulnerable

International Polar Bear Day – 2021

International Polar Bear Day is celebrated every year on February 27 to bring attention to the conservation status of the polar bear and to appreciate this large and cute animal.

International Polar Bear Day 2021

Some quick facts about the Polar Bear-

  • Adult male polar bears can weigh up to 1500 lbs (680 kg)
  • Polar bears main food source is ringed and bearded seals, but also eat birds, rodents and fish
  • Polar bears can swim nonstop for days and cover over 100 miles (161 km)
  • Newborn polar bear cubs weigh about 2 lbs (0.9 kg) and are often a litter of 2
  • Polar bears are considered a vulnerable species with about 25000 left in the wild

National Hippo Day – 2021

National Hippo Day is celebrated February 15 of each year. This special day was set aside to raise awareness of the hippopotamus and their status as a vulnerable species.

National Hippo Day 2021

Some fun facts about the Hippopotamus-

  • Hippos are the third largest land mammals
  • Adult male hippos can weigh up to 4000 lbs (1814 kg)
  • Hippos eat grasses and fruit
  • Hippos can ran at speeds up to 20 mph (32 kph)
  • Hippos live in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Hippos spend up to 16 hours a day in water to keep their skin cool and moist